Salvem Parcent, Save Parcent

Parcent is a small village in the Valencian region of Spain. Its existence is threatened by plans to build thousands of houses on its hillsides, increasing the population threefold and changing the character of the village forever. This blog aims to tell the world about whats happening to our village and ask people to join us in our fight to protect Parcent.

Monday, May 29, 2006


'Veïns de Parcent' had a fun and lucrative day
on sunday at the Jalon Valley Help spring fair.
We were well supported by everyone visiting
the fair and by friends coming to help and buy.
The cakes and cocas were sold out and were
enjoyed by everyone and we did a good trade
in books and bric a brac kindly donated by
Veïns supporters. We raised over 800 euros
for campaign funds and I would like to thank
all those that helped to make that possible,
donating cakes, items for sale and their own
time to man the stall. We hope to repeat our
success at Pedreguer rastro so anyone who
would like to volunteer to help please contact
me via the blog (below) or the 'Veïns de Parcent'
email address.
Thanks again for all the support we are
receiving and please keep it up!

Saturday, May 27, 2006


Here are a few more examples of the pictures
we have for sale on our stall at the Jalon
Help Fair in Jalon on sunday 28th May.
They have been painted by artists in the
village to help our fundraising efforts and will
be for sale along with home made cakes, jams
bric a brac and our new t shirts. Please come
and buy.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


'Veïns de Parcent' are having a stall at
the Jalon Valley Help Spring Fair in Jalon
on sunday 28th May to raise funds for
our campaign costs. We will be selling
bric a brac, homemade cakes, 'Veïns de
Parcent' tshirts and works of art painted
by members of our association. We are
looking for help to either man the stall
or provide decent items for sale or to
bake us a cake. Anyone able to help
please contact me via the comment
link below and I will reply.

As well as the bringing we hope you will
all come to the fair and support us (and
Jalon Valley Help) by buying our goods and
have a fun sunday out in the Jalon Valley.
Below are examples of some artworks for sale.
(Enlace a blog en castellano - al lado

Título: Nit entre el cel i la mar
Medidas 27x23
Precio 35 €

Título: Poble Coster
Medidas 21x27
Precio: 40 €

Título: 6 y 4
Acrílico y técnica mixta
Medidas 21x26Precio 30,00€

Título: Bodegó
3 piezas: 1 de 30x60 y 2 de 30x30
Precio 170 €


Moltes gràcies a Juanba per les
fotos de la caminada, podeu vore les
totes en el comentari del dia 4 de
Maig. Va ser un dia espectacular de sol
i calor i tots van disfrutar de la muntanya.

Muchas gracias a Juanba por las
fotos de la caminata, podeis ver
las todas en el comentario del dia
4 de Mayo . Ha sido un dia
espectacular, de sol y calor y
todos han disfrutado de la montaña.

Many thanks to Juanba for sending me
such lovely photos, you can see them all
on the comment of May 4th. Sunday
was a spectacular day, hot and sunny and
everyone enjoyed being out on the mountain.
Thanks to all who participated.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Euro Mp Michael Cashman has featured
in Spanish and English newspapers this
week backing petitions made to Europe
over the abusive Valencian land law, LRAU.
He gives his support to our petition, as
reported this week in the following article
from Round Town News.

Photo European Parliament

Europe Hits Back Over Land Grab
Written by Jack Troughton
Thursday, 11 May 2006
Surrounded by more than 15,000 complaints received by the European Parliament, he vowed to continue to fight for the rights of thousands of 'desperate' victims affected by the LRAU.And the MEP for the West Midlands has also sent a personal message to the 2,697 people who signed a petition organised by the 'Neighbours of Parcent' against plans to build nearly 1,800 new homes in countryside surrounding the tranquil village.The three urbanisations received outline planning permission on January 30th this year, sparking a massive campaign of protest in the area. Mr Cashman, who led a fact-finding mission to Valencia last summer, told the Neighbours of Parcent, "You have my full support.
PRESSURE"We will do all we can to keep the pressure on the authorities in Valencia."The Valencian Government and Housing Minister, Rafael Blasco, have sought to deflect criticism and discredit protests against the controversial laws. The authority claims Europe was making a concerted and unfair attack on its construction and tourism industries. In a letter to Valencia, Marcin Libicke, the Chairman of the European Parliament's petitions committee, noted, "Local authorities continue to abuse the rights of citizens to their legitimately acquired properties." And he wrote that as the LRAU was replaced by the LUV in February - legislation already criticised by the EU - 34 plans were rushed through before the deadline, "at the last minute and without proper consideration." Mr Libicke confirmed that his committee continued to receive petitions from people suffering under the land grab laws, "the latest from Parcent, which we will be investigating."
FIGHTHis colleague Mr Cashman, the committee's first Vice-Chairman, has led the fight for justice for Spanish and other European nationalities affected by the legislation. "Mr Blasco claims the EU is exaggerating as to the severity of the problem concerning the LRAU in Spain," he said. "We most definitely are not." The former actor said more than 15,000 petitions were received from people directly affected by the "abusive implementation of this law" and "we are acting on their behalf in order to ensure justice is done." And Mr Cashman promised both victims and the Valencian Government, "The European Parliament will not rest until this issue is resolved. If that means going to the European Court of Justice, so be it."
On Sunday the 'Neighbours of Parcent' has organised another mountain walk to show people the area's natural beauty. The 15km route over El Carrascal is said to be fairly difficult and for experienced walkers. People interested in taking part should meet in the village centre at 8.15am and the walk is expected to take five hours.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


Our petition signing campaign is beginning to
take effect and we are hopeful that we will
shortly see more progress.

The petition to the Sindic de Greuges in
Alicante has been admitted for investigation
and the Ombudsmen has ordered Parcent
Town Hall and the Housing Department in
Alicante to supply documents. This process
can take some time as if the documents are
not supplied on the required date they are
then solicited again, but eventually Parcent
Town Hall will have to supply the documents
and justification for their actions to the

The petition to the 'Defensor de Pueblo' in
Madrid is being prepared for sending at
the end of May. If anyone has not signed they
can do so online at, the
website of the newly formed national
federation of civic groups fighting abuses
of urban planning of which 'Veïns de Parcent'
is a founding member. If anyone wishes to
sign or collect signatures on printed forms they
can contact me via the contact below and I
will supply petition forms. Remember we
have only one more week.

Our European Petition is being noticed. Whilst
still awaiting official notification of the next
procedure we have received a copy of letter
sent from Mr M . Libick, President of the Petitions
Committee in Brussels to Señor Victor Campos,
Vice President of the Consell (Valencian Government).
This letter, which has been widely publicised in
Spanish and English press, states that the
European Union will continue to bring pressure
to bear on Valencia to reform it's abusive plans
laws and specifically mentions Parcent, adding
that our case will be investigated.

This is fantastic news for our campaign and
we are continuing to lobby Euro Mps to
support our petition. If anyone has any
personal contact with their Euro Mp please
inform them of the petition, or write to them
personally asking for support for 'Veins de Parcent'.
Euro Mps email addresses can be found on the
EU website,, under list of
MEPS, look for country and then local area.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


PRV 158



Wednesday, May 03, 2006





'Veïns de Parcent had a misty start to their
Mayday walk to the 'Font de la Foia'. Luckily
the sun came out and the group decided to walk
on from the font to the Caves higher up the
mountain. Another enjoyable day!

El dia va començar nublat però el sol no va
tardar en ixir i Veïns de Parcent van poder
disfrutar d'un bon dia. Després d'arribar a la
"Font de la Foia" van decidir pujar fins a la
"Cova dels Coloms". Un altre bon dia!!!!

El dia empezó nublado, pero el sol no tardó en
salir y Veïns de Parcent pudieron disfrutar de
un buen dia. Después de llegar a la "Font de la
Foia" decidieron subir más arriba hasta la
"Cova dels Coloms". Otro dia divertido!!!!


Gracies pel comentari Carxe. Tens tota la raó, m’encantaría publicar el blog en valencià y en castellà ja que Veïns de Parcent representa a un poble valencià. Demane disculpes i espere que trobe a algú pronte que m’ajude a traduir-lo al valecià i al castellà perque encara que el parle perfectament em costa d’escriure. La pagina web si que estará en tots els idiomes pronte. Vos convidem a participar en la nostra pròxima caminata del dia 14 de maig. Podreu trobar mes informació sobre aquesta en la pagina de Veïns de Parcent o aquest blog en els proxims dies.


Gracias por el comentario Carxe. Tienes toda la razón, me encantaria publicar el blog en castellano y en valenciano ya que Veïns de Parcent representa a un pueblo valenciano. Pido disculpas por esto y espero que encuentre a alguien pronto qu eme ayude a traducirlo al castellano y al valenciano porque aunque yo lo hablo perfectamente me cuesta escribir. La pagina web si que estará disponible en todos los idiomas pronto. Os invitamos a participar en nuestra proxima caminada del dia 14 de mayo. Podreis encontrar mas informacio de esta en la pagina web de Veïns de Parcent o en este blog en los proximos dias.